March 29, 2012
Jim Rogers Interview: Follow Your Passion
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
March 25, 2012
Jim Rogers hopes that the Chinese market collapses so he can buy Chinese shares
He believes that China needs to crash the market and it will be good for the world. It will also present opportunities for all of us. He expects the world to slowdown in the next year or two and knows that will be an opportunity for investment. Right now Jim is shorting emerging market stocks as a potential hedge.
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
March 24, 2012
Jim Rogers believes Myanmar is like China 34 years ago
The legendary investor Jim Rogers points out that fifty years ago Myanmar was the richest country in Asia but now it’s the poorest but that soon is going to change. The country is starting to open just as China did 33 years ago. He finds it extremely exciting for investors who have access to invest there. Unfortunate US citizens can not invest in Myanmar (former Burma) at this moment as Jim Rogers is not allowed to. Still if he could, he would invest big there. Myanmar is good place for investments.
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
March 22, 2012
Jim Rogers: Optimist about 2012 but don’t ask for after that
According to the legendary Jim Rogers, 2012 will continue being a good year for markets because the economic stimulus is still active and it’s an election year. That is why Investors should enjoy this year but after that they must move out because he is terrified what follow through in 2013. Next year economies will no longer grow on ultra-loose monetary policies and government borrowing as the CB limits are hit. In the United States and elsewhere, central banks have cut interest rates to near zero and have flooded their respective economies with liquidity to spur more growth and hiring, policies that critics brand as printing money out of thin air.
On top of monetary policy, governments have run up debts via stimulus programs, widening fiscal deficits in the process. Sooner or later, economies will have to mop up liquidity and pay down debts, which will result in economic contraction in a year or so. So Jim Roger’s advice is “enjoy 2012, because growth and rising stock markets won't last”.
"The overall situation is getting much worse because the debt is going through the roof for all of us," Rogers says. "You should worry about 2013, you should be very worried about 2014, but this year, more or less, is not going to be so bad."
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
On top of monetary policy, governments have run up debts via stimulus programs, widening fiscal deficits in the process. Sooner or later, economies will have to mop up liquidity and pay down debts, which will result in economic contraction in a year or so. So Jim Roger’s advice is “enjoy 2012, because growth and rising stock markets won't last”.
"The overall situation is getting much worse because the debt is going through the roof for all of us," Rogers says. "You should worry about 2013, you should be very worried about 2014, but this year, more or less, is not going to be so bad."
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
Jim Rogers and the Yen
Jim Rogers bought a lot of yens in the beginning of 2009. He was holding most of his cash in yen up until the middle of 2011 when he said: Investor Jim Rogers said Thursday that he's concerned about his long position in the Japanese yen after a recent surge in the currency. “I’m concerned. What do I do now? Obviously the yen cannot continue to be a good long,” Rogers said. “Japan seems determined to debase the yen, which they may be about to do.”
We are still not sure whether Jim holds the yens because the currency weakened already about 10% since the bottom at 75.8 USDJPY, what we are sure is that Japan is really ready to debase the currency as much as needed after the recent BOJ program to target 1% inflation and increase the bond purchase program (QE). As soon as we know more about Jim’s yen position we will let you know.
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
We are still not sure whether Jim holds the yens because the currency weakened already about 10% since the bottom at 75.8 USDJPY, what we are sure is that Japan is really ready to debase the currency as much as needed after the recent BOJ program to target 1% inflation and increase the bond purchase program (QE). As soon as we know more about Jim’s yen position we will let you know.
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
March 19, 2012
Jim Rogers Interview
March 16, 2012
Jim Rogers: Sell Your Lamborghini, Buy A Tractor
Jim Rogers : "Nobody wants to farm any more. Yet there are more people than even now. Seven billion of us. What are we going to eat? Every year, the US has something like 225,000 graduates in public relations. I think there's 20,000 agriculture graduates in the US now. Have you ever tried to eat a press release? "My advice to young people would be to get into agriculture. If you want to make money over the next 20 years, agriculture is the way to go. If you don't want to be a farmer, buy the Lamborghini dealership or a restaurant in Iowa. Why? Because the farmers in Iowa are going to be very wealthy. And they will be able to afford Lamborghinis. Fewer and fewer people are producing more and more food for more and more of us. That's only going to get worse over the next 20 or 30 years. So if you're smart, put your money into anything related to agriculture." - in Gulfnews
March 14, 2012
Jim Rogers: Gold below $1,600/oz is a buy
Jim Rogers: I’m certainly watching, if gold goes below $1,600 oz I am sure I will buy more. If it goes to $1,200 I hope I’m smart enough to buy a lot more. Gold has been up 11 years in a row now, which is extremely unusual for any asset. So it would not surprise me if gold doesn’t ... continue to have a nice correction in 2012. If it does, I hope I’m smart enough to buy a lot more. I’m not selling. I have not sold and will not sell until the bubble comes. There will be a bubble in gold some day but that’s ten years, I don’t know, several years from now. I hope I’m smart enough to sell when the bubble comes. - in Businessinsider

Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.

Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
March 13, 2012
Jim Rogers: Agriculture is the best investment for the next 20 years
“Nobody wants to farm anymore. Yet there are more people than even now. Seven billion of us. What are we going to eat? Every year, the US has something like 225,000 graduates in public relations. I think there’s 20,000 agriculture graduates in the US now. Have you ever tried to eat a press release? My advice to young people would be to get into agriculture. If you want to make money over the next 20 years, agriculture is the way to go. If you don’t want to be farmer, buy the Lambordhini dealership or restaurant in Iowa. Why? Because the farmers in Iowa are going to be very wealthy. And they will be able to afford Lamborghinis. Fewer and fewer people are producing more and more food for more and more of us. That’s only going to get worse over the next 20 or 30 years. So if you’are smart, put your money into anything related to agriculture.” – In The Gulfnews.
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
March 11, 2012
Jim Rogers: Dubai vs China Real Estate Bubble
According to Jim Rogers, Dubai built it's economy based on real estate speculation. Dubai doesn't have anything else, it didn't have oil, natural resources, the population is small and there was huge real estate speculation in construction. Dubai has no financial reserves also.
On the other hand, China has huge amounts of natural resources, growing population, natural resources in Siberia which they can tap and they have huge financial reserves.
The only thing that Dubai has is a rich big brother, but that’s all Dubai has and China has it all - resources, cheap labor, discipline, educated labor and vast markets. - in Businessinsider
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
On the other hand, China has huge amounts of natural resources, growing population, natural resources in Siberia which they can tap and they have huge financial reserves.
The only thing that Dubai has is a rich big brother, but that’s all Dubai has and China has it all - resources, cheap labor, discipline, educated labor and vast markets. - in Businessinsider
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
March 09, 2012
Jim Rogers: Slowdown coming
Due to the big debt that USA and other countries have, we will experience a slowdown as it cause more and more drag to the economy. Jim Rogers also points out that in every 4-6 years USA had a slowdown so by 2012,2013,2014 we will have slowdown. It doesn't matter what cause it, high oil or shock... we will have it said Jim in BI
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
March 07, 2012
Jim Rogers Interview on Gold, Oil and Global Economy
What is feeding into oil prices at the moment?
At what level do you think oil prices will break the back of the American recovery?
We are going to have a slowdown. Such is the staggering debt that America has, it has caused more and more of a drag on our economy. I would also point out to you that every four to six years we’ve had an economic slowdown in the U.S., since the beginning of time, so by 2012, 2013, 2014, we are well overdue for an economic slowdown for whatever reason. Whether it’s caused by high oil or what, we’re going to have a slowdown in the foreseeable future.
How do you see oil prices impacting consumers in emerging markets, especially in Asia, when many of them are struggling to rein in inflation and drive growth?
Everybody is paying higher prices for oil and that obviously impacts consumption everywhere and its not just oil, its food and everything else that’s going up. There’s inflation everywhere, the U.S. lies about it, I mean the U.S. government lies about inflation but there’s inflation everywhere. I mean I don’t know if you go shopping, but if you do, you know prices are up. The government says they’re not, I don’t know where they shop. Everybody else’s prices are up.
If you could own / invest in just one commodity which would it be?
I guess it would have to be one of the agricultural commodities, it would depend on which is down the most but it would be agriculture I can tell you that.
You said earlier this year that if gold moved towards $1,600 you would be interested in buying more. Are you looking at gold now?
I’m certainly watching, if it goes below $1,600 I’m sure I’ll buy more. If it goes to $1,200 I hope I’m smart enough to buy a lot more. Gold has been up 11 years in a row now, which is extremely unusual for any asset. So it would not surprise me if gold doesn’t ... continue to have a nice correction in 2012. If it does, if it does, I hope I’m smart enough to buy a lot more. I’m not selling. I’m not selling. I have not sold and will not sell until the bubble comes. There will be a bubble in gold some day but that’s ten years, I don’t know, several years from now. I hope I’m smart enough to sell when the bubble comes.
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
Iran obviously, is one thing, but another is in the U.S. it’s the infrastructure problem. We have oil but it’s in the wrong places. On the east coast, they use imported oil, and imported oil is higher because of Iran. And it comes from Europe. North Sea production is in decline. There are supply-demand reasons that oil prices are high in many parts of the world. And known reserves of oil are in decline worldwide. And the IEA is going around telling people that known reserves are in a steady decline and we’re going to have a huge problem in a decade or two, a gigantic problem, unless somebody finds a lot of oil very quickly. So underneath the supply-demand, shorter term it's infrastructure and Iran probably.
At what level do you think oil prices will break the back of the American recovery?
We are going to have a slowdown. Such is the staggering debt that America has, it has caused more and more of a drag on our economy. I would also point out to you that every four to six years we’ve had an economic slowdown in the U.S., since the beginning of time, so by 2012, 2013, 2014, we are well overdue for an economic slowdown for whatever reason. Whether it’s caused by high oil or what, we’re going to have a slowdown in the foreseeable future.
How do you see oil prices impacting consumers in emerging markets, especially in Asia, when many of them are struggling to rein in inflation and drive growth?
Everybody is paying higher prices for oil and that obviously impacts consumption everywhere and its not just oil, its food and everything else that’s going up. There’s inflation everywhere, the U.S. lies about it, I mean the U.S. government lies about inflation but there’s inflation everywhere. I mean I don’t know if you go shopping, but if you do, you know prices are up. The government says they’re not, I don’t know where they shop. Everybody else’s prices are up.
If you could own / invest in just one commodity which would it be?
I guess it would have to be one of the agricultural commodities, it would depend on which is down the most but it would be agriculture I can tell you that.
You said earlier this year that if gold moved towards $1,600 you would be interested in buying more. Are you looking at gold now?
I’m certainly watching, if it goes below $1,600 I’m sure I’ll buy more. If it goes to $1,200 I hope I’m smart enough to buy a lot more. Gold has been up 11 years in a row now, which is extremely unusual for any asset. So it would not surprise me if gold doesn’t ... continue to have a nice correction in 2012. If it does, if it does, I hope I’m smart enough to buy a lot more. I’m not selling. I’m not selling. I have not sold and will not sell until the bubble comes. There will be a bubble in gold some day but that’s ten years, I don’t know, several years from now. I hope I’m smart enough to sell when the bubble comes.
Source: Business Insider
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
March 06, 2012
Jim Rogers: fall of 2012 could be the start of pain
Jim Rogers: In the fall, you better start worrying very badly, especially if Obama wins. In his opinion, Obama will win and that is not a good thing. Jim Rogers supports Ron Paul, but he doesn’t think Ron will win.
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
March 02, 2012
Jim Rogers still prefers silver more than gold
According to JimRogers, CBs are debasing currencies everywhere. Agricultural prices are still depressed on historic basis and will go up. He disagrees we should trust governments for good information. About precious metals, if he would buy one today, that would be silver as it’s historically much cheaper than Gold. He is not buying either at the moment but if it came to it, he would be buying Silver.
March 01, 2012
Jim Rogers: Stocks could go to 18 000 this year
Jim Rogers confirms that stocks could go very high due to central bank stimulus, but he refuses to buy into it. Jim Rogers: “of course we can go to 18 000 this year, all sort of things could happen. The FED is printing a lot of money. BOJ, BOE are doing the same. There is an election this year, actually 40 elections so a lot of people are printing money, I don’t expect it to get 15 000 but it certainly could.”
Jim Rogers is an great investor, author and respected financial commentator. He is a regular guest on different TV programs like these of Barron's, FT, Wall Street Journal, New York TImes, Fortune and CNBC. Rogers is the president of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests.
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